How amazing it is to have grown over a decade!

My 10 lessons from 2009-2019:
• I have learned what it is to grow into being a mother, a parent, what it is like to raise a human being.
I now understand better where I come from.
• I have learned that my heart could break again with the loss of my mom, the grief of friendships I once cherished, the loss of my dog, over my business practice, over being a parent, over my own self, or even from feeling the pain of a stranger from across the planet.
I now understand better how suffering is part of life and that the game is to learn how to dance with it.
• I have learned about my own resilience, how strong I am, how I can heal again and again, and how the darker it gets, the more I was able to see the light.
I now understand better who I am.
• I have learned unconditional love, what it means to stick together through thick and thin and how we can uplift each other.
I understand better presence and loving-kindness.
• I have learned the value of safety and how to create a support system. I could not have done it alone.
I understand better what connection is.
• I have learned that I can be my own boss, do what I love, create my own business practice while serving and helping people.
I understand that anything is possible.
• I have learned how important it is to be myself and the meaning of boundaries, for my own health and for the benefits of others.
I understand that dimming my own light does not serve anyone.
• I have learned to better understand myself and others, what compassion and empathy, love and gratitude feel like.
Searching for these qualities internally has helped me find them in others.
• I understand now what grace feels like. It an extraordinary energy that touches your Being in the darkest moments. It is the crack of light you can see when you surrender everything, the seed sprouting deep in the soil. It is movement after shutdown. Life after Death.
• I have learned that time is nothing linear and has so many qualities. The ‘past and future decade’ does not mean much. Right now is where I am alive, free and at peace.
My 30s were this past decade.
2020 is also the start of a new decade in my life, and for my child as well.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Decade.
Happy New You.
With Love,